writingShort stories are something that a lot of aspiring authors and published ones enjoy writing. They are short, sweet, and to the point type stories that with the right inspiration can be knocked out quickly. The more comfortable in your writing spot that you are, the faster you will be able to find inspiration. For some people, they find a cozy spot inside their home. Others prefer to venture outdoors into nature. Either one is perfect. Have you discovered your favorite spots for short story inspiration?

Indoor Spaces for Writing

relaxing home officeCreating an indoor area for inspiration is complicated in ways. You will want to give yourself a space that is both comfortable and productive. You may want to create a space that is cluttered or clutter-free. One that is brightly colored or one that is filled with neutral tones. Your writing desk and chair should be comfortable, and you should have very little distractions; unless you write best when there is a radio, television, or other noises going on. The truth is, there are so many different writers, and everyone has their preferences. There is no one size fits all for a space that you can work in, so you have to come up with your own ideas.

Gathering Inspiration from Nature

writing outdoorsVenturing out into nature with a pen and paper is the ideal way to go for some writers. Some may even set up a desk in their yard to ensure that their creativity can flow, and they are comfortable while writing. It may be a table and chairs setup on their patio or a picnic blanket in the woods. Some may take along very few things; purely enjoying the minimalistic things. Others will go on a walk through the woods carrying along a stainless steel ice cooler, pen, and a tablet to jot down ideas on. They like the sounds of nature in the woods with birds tweeting and perhaps a river bubbling. Others like being closer to home where they can hear dogs barking and children playing nearby. Which way do you prefer when you are trying to gather your ideas into something that will make a good short story?

Find Your Special Space

At some point, every writer discovers that they do not feel inspired at the moment. It doesn’t matter whether they write short stories, long ones, or short blogs on the internet. All writers eventually find themselves in a situation where they feel unable to string one or two words together. You can overcome it if you sometimes take a step outside of your box. If you traditionally write while indoors in your home office area, why not venture outdoors to see if you can find new inspiration? The story you are hoping to write is an idea in your mind that needs a way out. Sometimes changing the scenery is the easiest way to discover what it is hiding in your mind and then you will have no issue letting that little idea blossom into a full story. Where do you find the most inspiration?